Sunday, 3 February 2013

Horse Crime Rise

Equine crime is a real problem, especially in rural areas and every year hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of horses, ponies and equipment are stolen. These thieves specifically target stables and rural premises as they can be generally low on security and isolated.

Recent news stories have highlighted the scale of this problem. Det Sgt Steve Birchill from the Thames Valley Police said “[The thieves] are going round the areas and taking advantage of the fact that places are left unoccupied or unlocked”. Police are warning and urging people to take greater care in protecting their items.

How to keep your tack secure:

Stable yard security
·         Secure your stable yard with fences, hedges and gates
·         Make sure gates are changed and fitted with anti-lift locks
·         Put theft warning signs on display
·         Fit security lighting, alarms and even CCTV

Tack security
·         Postcode stamp all items.
·         Make sure your tack is always locked away when you aren’t around.
·         Saddles and bridles should be locked to their racks.
·         The doors to your tack room should be reinforced with steel and heavy duty locks.

If you are looking for a secure way to store your horse tack, the Asgard Tack Storage Box offers the best security for your tack.

It has been fitted with a tough 5 point locking system and pick resistant locking mechanism to help prevent tack theft. This tack storage box has also been approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board to Level 1, which may help to reduce insurance premiums. Visit the Asgard website for more information. 

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